Dear Dr. Ortega,
How are you doing in Japan? Do you already miss Hawaii? We're having lots of fun exploring this blog. Finally, I could post my picture in my profile with the help of Nick and Ky. Yeah!!! Can you see it? Now, you can match my name, picture, and comments all together at once.
In terms of our first assignment, I'm doing fine so far. In addition to the bibliography I had from last semester, I added some more articles and book chapters that are particularly related to
ethnic/cultural identity, third space, and
cultural & linguistic hybridity theories. For the purpose of my topic, I'm trying to browse journals and books beyond the SLS field to find any relevant research findings. I'm looking through a journal called "
Amerasia" which deals with all aspects of Asian-American experiences. I'm not sure if this journal is appropriate to use in my paper.
Here is the link for more info about the journal. I found an interesting section in the recent issue called "
What Does It Mean To Be Korean Today? Part I. Across Nations, Generations, & Identities".Well, that's all for now. I'm looking forward to seeing you when you come back. Have a safe trip back to Hawaii!